The word passion is defined as any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. LMG Legacy evolved from mere childhood passion which ultimately transformed into an adult reality. In the promising year of 2023 LMG Legacy The Aftermath LLC, was established. According to Google and other available data only a small percentage of childhood passions translate into a person's actual career, with estimates suggesting that around 4% of individuals end up pursuing their childhood dream job, meaning the vast majority (over 90%) do not.
Statistically, LMG Legacy The Aftermath LLC, should be OBSOLETE but God ordained it to have prosperity and longevity years prior.
LMG Legacy The Aftermath LLC, is a versatile writing cooperation with an extensive catalogue including, but not limited to personalized wholehearted greeting cards, sincere heartfelt obituaries, and captivating poems for any and all occasions catering to all personalization needs. LMG Legacy The Aftermath LLC, strives to capture all emotions and sentiments that you are unable to vocalize and express to your precious family and loved ones.
January 2025, LMG Legacy The Aftermath LLC, introduced printing, editing, and laminating to its impeccable genre of specialties.
The involvement of a committed parent is and always will be a major part of the developmental impact amongst the population of children. 78% of the nation fail to convey and channel the importance, as well as the relevance of a present active FATHER. Active defined as an engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy. Active is such a modest word when speaking in the context of an extraterrestrial ordained man like my father and I say that humbly and honored. A man of prestigious rank and a father immediately following. As a humble father of 4, he had an epiphany that all his offspring would mimic his initials “LMG”. To the world he welcomed “3 daughters: La’Tosha Monique, LaNa’ysia Marie, LaTrice Marie.” And his one and only son and namesake Lance Martel Jr.